Akshay Gera

Akshay Gera is the CEO of Upthrust, an award-winning US-based digital marketing agency. He is a marketing expert and author of a popular marketing blog where he shares practical tips and strategies for businesses looking to grow their online presence.

Articles by 

Akshay Gera

How Google’s New Ad Campaign can Transform your Business Growth

Are you an SME? Or a Local Business? Maybe an MNC? Google’s latest ad campaign – Performance Max, is right for everyone and can help you grow your business at unprecedented velocities and lower costs.

September 24, 2023

How to prepare for iOS 15 For Startups and Marketers?

Recent privacy update by Apple to its operating system iOS 15, the impact of these changes on advertisers and marketing agencies, how advertisers can be prepared for these changes.

September 24, 2023

How can Email Marketers Respond to Apple's Mail Privacy Protection Feature

If You work in an email-adjacent role, so you may have heard about Apple’s new privacy updates and their potential effects on email marketing. To summarize, Apple is planning to modify how the open tracking pixels in emails are viewed through their native mail client by preloading images when a message is received via a proxy server to hide the recipient’s details so as not to reveal they were opened by the person using the Apple mail client.

September 24, 2023

Top 19 Video Marketing Agencies to Look out for in 2022

The world of digital marketing is changing at lightspeed. In every part of the digital world, marketers and brands are forced to adapt to these changes or drown out. One of the challenges coming up is the need to create compelling and immersive content. You can no longer rely on text or still imagery.

September 24, 2023

16 Go to SAAS Marketing Agencies in Boston

SaaS is becoming a popular way for businesses to purchase the software. It means that rather than buying the software for a one-off fee, you get a monthly or annual subscription to use the software. This trend has become especially prevalent in the marketing industry, with many SaaS marketing agencies appearing to service this growing need. But what is SaaS, and why would you want to use a SaaS marketing agency?

September 24, 2023

11 eCommerce Marketing Strategies to Explode Your Business in 2023!

Established marketplaces sold more than $3.3 trillion (around £2.7 trillion) in 2021. Businesses worldwide list some of their products on these super successful marketplaces, including Amazon, Etsy, and eBay. What this does is it allows customers to stumble on your brand more easily.

September 24, 2023

16 Best Advertising Agencies in Austin for 2022

Austin a buzzing city has seen a lot of development in the last decade, ranging from taller buildings to more empowering local businesses, it has shifted into the limelight. With the increase in small and medium enterprises came advertising agencies responsible for empowering these companies. Now Austin is home to some of the best advertising agencies across the world. In 2021 Austin ranks as the #3 city for ad agencies in the U.S. after N.Y. and Los Angeles. 

September 24, 2023

Top 20 Advertising Agencies in Miami

Miami is a hub for creativity and innovation, and its advertising agencies are no exception. Here are the top 20 advertising agencies in Miami, each with its unique strengths and specialties.

September 24, 2023

Top 11 Healthcare Marketing Agencies

Learn about the top 11 healthcare marketing firms to elevate your medical practice. Find the best medical marketing agency for your needs with the help of our list of the top healthcare marketing agencies, which covers everything from branding to digital marketing.

September 24, 2023

Top 5 Healthcare marketing trends to watch out in 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced marketers across all product and service categories to rework their marketing strategies based on radical shifts in consumer behavior and their evolving needs. The healthcare industry also had to rapidly embrace these changes to cater to its consumers. Marketers need to take note of these Top 5 healthcare marketing trends in 2022 to stay on top of their game.

September 24, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Marketing in 2022

Mobile app marketing includes applying various techniques and tactics to acquire, retain and engage users. It comprises all the stages before and after the app development that ensure awareness of the app, its ranking in different stores, consumer interest in the app, engagement, and retention. This blog will take you through several marketing strategies that can work wonders for your app if implemented correctly.

September 24, 2023

Marketing in the Metaverse: A guide to new era of meta marketing

Meta Description –Know everything about marketing in the metaverse, including how the meta world will impact marketing, what changes you need to make in your marketing strategy and many more.

September 24, 2023

How to choose the marketing Agency for your Business

Marketing is essential no matter what kind of business you own or manage. For new businesses, working with a dependable marketing agency is necessary because they can help reach your target audiences and increase the influx of customers into your company.

September 24, 2023

Healthcare marketing strategies to grow your patient base

Due to the profitability and non-volatile nature of the healthcare industry, competition has always been fierce. If you own and operate a healthcare business, you must work towards increasing your reach and customer profile. The most certain way to achieve higher revenues in this sector is by focusing on marketing efforts. But, where do you start? Which aspect of marketing should you focus on first?

September 24, 2023

Growth Focused SAAS SEO Strategy

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) enables you to present your SaaS products before others. This maximizes your customer conversion rates and ensures that your website receives organic traffic. A powerful SaaS SEO strategy can be created with the help of an SEO agency that specialises in providing services to SaaS companies.

September 24, 2023

A Beginner's Guide to Metaverse In Healthcare

Metaverse is the augmented virtual world derived from the convergence of virtual and physical space. Users can interact within the augmented world, meet virtually, and immerse themselves in performing virtual activities that give real experiences. It is said to be the internet’s next frontier.

September 24, 2023

9-Step SaaS Content Marketing Guide for Small/Medium Companies

Content marketing has shown to be one of the most efficient ways of generating new revenue for SaaS companies. As a result, SaaS content marketing has become a must-have for many marketers.

September 24, 2023

11 Ecommerce Marketing Tips to explode your business

The United States is at the heart of the e-commerce industry, with sales of around $960.1 billion in 2021. Making 2021, a year of an all-time high growth rate bearer. Under such a scenario, brands that go the extra mile are the ones that can turn a casual visitor to their site into a loyal customer.

September 24, 2023

9 Essential SaaS Marketing Metrics You need to measure

SaaS, i.e., Software as a Service, enables you to utilize cloud-based applications via internet connectivity. It allows you to subscribe to or rent the apps you require for your organization. As the SaaS service provider handles both the Software and the hardware part and takes care of the security and accessibility of apps, it helps your organization run a process at an affordable cost.

September 24, 2023

7 Medical Marketing Strategies you need to increase your patients

Regarding medical care, we live in a world where people have more alternatives than ever. With more than 80% of patients using smartphones to find or communicate with doctors, and 88% of customers trusting online reviews as much as personal recommendations, it’s critical to adapt marketing strategies according to today’s modern approach. You must provide convenience, credibility, and, most crucially, proof that you can be trusted with your patient’s health and funds. The key to demonstrating your brand’s dependability is paying attention to what your target audience wants and tailoring your marketing tactics to meet their needs.

September 24, 2023

Robust Performance marketing strategy for ecommerce business

Global marketing investment is set to grow around 30% by 2025. This means that the investment value will increase by almost £3.5 trillion by that time. In 2021, performance marketing saw the highest growth, indicating that businesses around the world know of its importance. .

September 24, 2023

8 Ways to Make Digital Marketing Work for you

A great marketing strategy is built by caring about your customer’s needs and wants. But when every customer spends most of their time online, Digital marketing comes into the picture. Digital marketing is revolutionizing traditional forms of marketing with its precise accuracy and quantifiability. As rightly said, digital marketing is the marketing of the future.

September 24, 2023

7 Marketing Lessons from SaaS Startups That Made it Big

SaaS marketing strategy deals with selling SaaS products or services in a digital space with a focus on digital channels and content marketing to match the needs of potential customers.

September 24, 2023

7 Latest SEO Trends to Follow in 2022: What Are the Latest Google Algorithm Updates for SEO?

Like everything else on the internet, factors affecting search engine optimization keep evolving through specialized algorithm updates, released from time to time. This blog aims to inform you of some of the crucial algo updates of 2022 that can affect your SERP (search engine results page) rankings.

September 24, 2023