Marketing Blogs

Healthcare marketing strategies to grow your patient base

Due to the profitability and non-volatile nature of the healthcare industry, competition has always been fierce. If you own and operate a healthcare business, you must work towards increasing your reach and customer profile. The most certain way to achieve higher revenues in this sector is by focusing on marketing efforts. But, where do you start? Which aspect of marketing should you focus on first?


Due to the profitability and non-volatile nature of the healthcare industry, competition has always been fierce. If you own and operate a healthcare business, you must work towards increasing your reach and customer profile. The most certain way to achieve higher revenues in this sector is by focusing on marketing efforts. But, where do you start? Which aspect of marketing should you focus on first? 

If these questions plague your mind, then read on. This blog post discusses some of the most relevant and useful healthcare marketing strategies to revamp your business!

What can your business achieve with effective healthcare marketing?

Healthcare marketing is no different from marketing in other sectors in regards to the overall scope and objective. It involves strategic outreach to capture new healthcare consumers. However, efficient healthcare marketing strategies can do a lot more for your business. It not only brings in new consumers but also leads them to medical products and services you offer.


The following are some of the benefits your brand can look forward to after focusing on the marketing side –

  • Help your consumers make the right choice. In the long run, this will benefit both your patients and your business.
  • Targeted marketing can improve the overall experience of a consumer. If done properly, it can engage patients and entice them to seek healthcare services from you.
  • It’s not all about the consumers though. Concentrated marketing efforts can help expand your consumer base, and with it, your business’s revenue. 
  • Effective marketing strategies also focus on customer retention. It ensures that people who avail of your services return to your brand the next time they need healthcare aid. 

The marketing space is constantly evolving. Companies use a variety of channels like chatbots to get their message across to potential consumers. 

Integrating chatbots and live chats into the healthcare marketing efforts will help improve the user experience.

Owing to the overall scale of implementing healthcare marketing strategies, doing everything yourself might not be the best option. Reputed agencies specialising in the affair can build brilliant promotional, advertisement and marketing campaigns aligned with your business’s goal.

Listed below are a few of the areas where your marketers should focus – 

1. Work on your branding for long-term results

This picture depicts how building a brand will help to display your expertise and competence.

The best ecommerce marketing tips are focused on converting your online store visitors into actual buyers. Offering discounts on the right products to the right people is crucial in this regard. 

If you have ever perused products online, you will know just how important the ‘Wishlist’ feature can be to shoppers. But, the problem with it is that a vast majority of people tend to Wishlist an item and then completely forget about it.

As an ecommerce business, this issue actually presents a great opportunity. Once shoppers put an item on the Wishlist, make sure you notify them about any ongoing discounts, sales or offers on the said item.

Doing so reignites interest in the Wishlist item and may even entice them to finally purchase the product they desired for a long time!

2. Work your magic on Instagram

Examine both your previous state and your current one, before and after the adjustments.

Effective marketing strategies in healthcare have evolved over the years. Large-scale access to social media platforms has allowed companies to reach their target audience quickly and with ease. Today, around 1.39 billion US residents are active on Instagram. That’s also the number of potential patients of your healthcare business.

Since Instagram is a visual medium, it has immense potential to show people what you do. For instance, if your practice conducts cosmetic procedures on patients, you can upload before and after pictures on your Instagram handle. You can also post short clippings of health practitioners associated with your business to boost confidence in your practice.

With location-specific keywords, hashtags, geo-targeting and the ability to get insights into your posts, Instagram is an extremely important marketing channel.

3. Take full advantage of health clouds and artificial intelligence

A chatbot offers personalised attention to website visitors. Chatbots are digital receptionists.

Artificial intelligence is no longer a pipe dream. AI is here to stay, so you might as well use its immense potential for your business. One of the essential healthcare marketing strategies is to enhance your brand’s website with an AI chatbot.

A chatbot allows your business to offer personalized care to potential patients that visit your website. Think of chatbots as your receptionist, but in the digital sense. The AI can answer some of the queries visitors might have and direct them on how to proceed.

Technology can also help in other aspects. For instance, accessing medical records and other patient-related data from another healthcare provider. Previously, this involved a lengthy process. Today, patients’ medical histories can be uploaded to health clouds, giving them free access to such information whenever necessary.

Advertise the fact that your brand implements these state-of-the-art technologies to generate more interest.

4. Influencer marketing can spread the word about your brand.

Your brand's message can be propagated through the use of influencer marketing.

Influencers have built up a community of followers through the content they provide. Advertising through these influencers can help your message reach millions in the shortest amount of time. In terms of healthcare marketing strategies, you can also reach out to influencers who have amassed a following because of a particular medical condition they have. 

This strategy can work wonders since such influencers enjoy a niche audience. Most of their followers suffer from or are close to someone who suffers from medical conditions. Still, it is extremely important to come up with a catchy campaign that these influencers can get behind.

When you have a whole healthcare business to run, it can get really challenging to focus on these aspects. Upthrust is your go-to solution for all digital marketing needs. From delivering PPC campaigns to keyword research and SEO, Upthrust specializes in offering data-driven marketing. Book a consultation call today for more information!

5. Offer special prices and discounts to present and past patients

Retain customers with exclusive services.

If you have read other healthcare marketing strategy articles, you may have come across several tips to increase your consumer base. But, what about enticing your existing and past patients to continue subscribing to your services? Although often overlooked, this can boost your revenue significantly.

The best way to go about this is to provide specialised rates and offers to your patients, both present and past. These people may not be aware of other healthcare services on offer from your brand. You can build brand loyalty using these methods too. Such efforts can help you retain patients, rather than simply attracting people who use your services one time.

6. Invest in a cool PPC campaign

Don't let them steal your patients!

PPC stands for pay per click. It is a type of advertising where the advertisers pay a fee every time someone clicks on their ad. So, the amount you pay is directly proportional to the number of clicks. But, where can you see these PPC ads?

If you go to Google now and search for any random thing, you will see a few ads before the first search results begin. These are PPC ads. Today, even if your company’s website ranks first using relevant keywords on the SERP (search engine results page), PPC ads will push it down to the third or fourth clickable link. Therefore, if your competitors invest in such campaigns and you do not, they can still rob some of your patients.

Pay-per-click advertising has become an extremely important and popular marketing channel because, with it, a business’s ROI is calculable. You can determine exactly how many clicks your ad received. You can also track how many of those clicks eventually led to conversions.

7. Reviews for your business can help with SEO

Evaluation and feedbacks signify the establishment of mutual trust in healthcare marketing.

Search engine optimization encompasses several things. From building a responsive website to keyword research, everything plays a part in determining where your brand ranks in the SERP. However, one of the lesser talked about factors in SEO is actual consumer feedback through reviews. 

Think about it – You are searching for a product or service online. Would you trust a brand that has almost nil ratings or reviews on Google? Consumers always try to make an informed choice, especially when it comes to healthcare providers. Thus, consumer reviews can help build your business’s overall reputation online.

But, how can you ensure that your patients leave a review? Well, the easiest way is to ask them to leave helpful feedback. Additionally, make sure that the process of leaving a review is simple enough. Most people do not want to get embroiled in an overly complicated reviewing process. If it seems too complex to them, they will simply leave without giving feedback.

Besides being one of the healthcare marketing strategies, honest feedback can also help improve your services.

8. Hire a physician liaison

Getting referred by physicians will help expand your healthcare business's organic reach.

Referrals from doctors in the area are one of the most organic ways to expand your healthcare business’s reach. A proactive physician liaison is absolutely crucial in this matter. The following are some things that ensure you get the maximum number of referrals from practitioners – 

  • Welcome new physicians in your locality by personally visiting them or sending them a note.
  • Besides maintaining a cordial relationship with these doctors, your brand must also establish its reputation as a quality care provider. Otherwise, physicians will never feel comfortable referring one of their patients to your services.
  • Ensure that all your contact information is updated and easy to access. So, when a doctor wants to refer someone to you, he/she can simply pick up the phone or send an email regarding the same.
  • Lastly, keep the referring physician in the loop. After receiving a patient from them, do not simply cut them off. First, thank them for the referral by sending a note. Next, call or email them the progress of treatment for the referred patient. This sort of attention to detail can go a long way in establishing trust with doctors. They will remember all of this and send additional referrals your way.

Due to the fierce competition in the healthcare sector, maintaining such a relationship with physicians has become more challenging than ever. Since competitors want the same referrals, they also employ some of these tactics. To stay ahead, get help from an experienced liaison.

9. Add a personalized touch to healthcare services

Add a personalized touch to your healthcare services.

With all of these healthcare Marketing strategies to think of, you might overlook a crucial part. Word of mouth is still as important for a business to grow as it was before the age of the internet. Pleasing your consumers and providing quality healthcare services is more than just the treatment or procedures.


If you are part of the healthcare industry, what you do affects your patients’ well-being. Revenue generation is a crucial part of the machinery, but it cannot be the end goal. Instead, delivering quality care services to the maximum number of patients is a powerful motivator to implement healthcare marketing strategies.

You want loyal patients who seek medical assistance from your brand regularly.


Being able to establish such an expansive community will strengthen your overall business. Upthrust’s marketing efforts can make this dream a reality. With data-driven strategies, this digital marketing firm can catapult your brand to the top of the healthcare service providers’ list. If you want to know more about these services, book a consultation call with Upthrust today!

You must develop content to enhance your engagement and visibility, but you also need people to appreciate the stuff you provide, or they won’t return. Defining your brand is essential before you start publishing content. Consider your brand to be a person; what type of personality do they have? How would they behave in a group? List characteristics that characterize this personality and weave that tone of voice, manner, and attitude in all your content. 


Yes, all of them. It should be clear in every Instagram caption, blog headline, and website piece. Then take surveys, and gather feedback. Take client testimonials or case studies and intriguingly display them. Examine what other firms are doing and then design what you would like to see but don’t.

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