August 25, 2024

9-Step SaaS Content Marketing Guide for Small/Medium Companies

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Content marketing has shown to be one of the most efficient ways of generating new revenue for SaaS companies. As a result, SaaS content marketing has become a must-have for many marketers.

But before you read the nine crucial steps for SaaS content marketing, you must understand the meaning of Content Marketing Strategy.

What is a Content Marketing Strategy

Every day, you see the word “content” around you, making it difficult to distinguish what is useful, what converts people into customers, and what is simply noise. Content marketing uses blogs, videos, podcasts, and other forms of media to draw and retain an audience. This strategy helps brand recognition and attracts the businesses and people who require your product the most.

 Increasing brand awareness is one application of content marketing for SaaS companies. Because it gets your brand in front of an audience, content marketing may be a type of public relations. It is also beneficial for brand recall: the more consumers interact with your brand, the more likely they will remember it. A B2B content marketing plan can help you generate backlinks, allowing you to increase your website’s domain authority, which is a crucial aspect of improving search engine optimization (SEO).

 This article outlines the B2B SaaS marketing audience, the steps to establish your SaaS content marketing strategy, and how to use your content to upgrade your customers into loyal clients.

9 steps of SaaS marketing

Find out what your target audience wants!

The primary step in developing any strategy is to understand the needs of your target audience. This step is crucial when creating one for the ever-present B2B SaaS business. As your company is in the business of creating content for your audience, you must know what they require, desire, care about, or will even look at. This first step is often known as gathering consumer insights, and these insights influence the direction, appearance, and feel of your content marketing strategy (CMS).

Another good way to gather customer insights is by gathering feedback. Ask your consumers what they wish to see and what difficulties they have while understanding your program or software. Even today, feedback is the most powerful tool to improve your marketing strategy. 

Use social media

Use your social media platforms as a market research tool. These platforms give you several opportunities to interact one-on-one with people for whom you are developing the plan. Social media as a tool will help you understand your audience’s language and help build a brand. If you want to enhance client retention, a loyalty program or a members-only newsletter is a way to start.

Remember, social media is more than just a communication and acquisition channel. It has a direct influence on the SEO of an online business which makes it more vital than ever for e-commerce operations to have a unified social media strategy centered on promoting high-value campaigns, sales, and items.

Change Personal Perspective

In other words, put yourself in the shoes of your customers. The entire purpose of a content marketing plan is to move your potential consumers from uneducated online strangers to knowledgeable and committed brand advocates. It implies that you must comprehend the buyer’s perspective. You must put yourself in their position and travel through the steps required to proceed from the first click to the payment card swipe.

The idea is to attract consumers by providing them with material that appeals to them in locations where they choose to spend their time. Each phase and kind of content should include intelligent calls to action (CTAs) to keep the connection going and advance your consumers to the next stage of the buyer’s journey.

Find Where You Belong

After you’ve completed your research and started to generate ideas, consider where your content belongs in the market. You’re unlikely to present case studies to someone who has no idea how your product performs. You can’t expect your prospective clients to go straight from query to conversion. For that, you must deliver value first. 

Take an example for a better understanding. Assume that you are at a project management software firm and your customers fall into two categories – free and premium users. Inbound marketing aids in the acquisition of new SaaS customers, increases customer success, and, as a result, increases retention. 

Target Conversion

A great content strategy would also generate content that effortlessly manages to convert free users into paying customers. This strategy could involve a video tutorial that demonstrates the fantastic features of the subscription version. You can use social media to help in this process. Also, blogs that aim to target the audience’s pain points are a must. Be consistent with what you post on the internet, and things will start to show results. But always remember, your content will not generate significant results unless you create relevant and attainable goals that connect with the entire marketing plan. When considering freemium products or software for your SaaS, find the right balance of value and comfort. Limit the free benefits to the moment at which the consumer receives enough value to continue using the product.


According to a report, the World Health Organization uses augmented reality (AR) to train Covid-19 first responders via smartphones, while psychiatrists are using virtual reality (VR) technology to treat post-traumatic stress disorder in veterans and officers.

Create Material That Helps You Achieve Goals

The research component of your marketing strategy is critical, and understanding your audience is also essential, but you are, after all, a business. It means that the material you create must assist the aims of your B2B SaaS marketing business, rather than simply providing value to your clients. Create SMART goals for lead generation, audience education, or client retention. Your emphasis should then affect the metrics you measure and how you interpret your data. 

Introduce Yourself To Your Audience

This step is a crucial part that helps your business grow. Authenticity and CIA are important aspects in determining which brands to enjoy and support. Your marketing strategy will allow consumers to tell whether your business is being truthful or trying to save face. Although it is an imperative element in the content marketing process, it can also be fun if done effectively. Through your brand voice, you establish the tone for how you want your material to be received. It’s vital to distinguish between the two: your brand voice is your brand’s personality, and the tone can alter depending on the media or the message – but it should always be clear and original.

Define Who You Are

You must develop content to enhance your engagement and visibility, but you also need people to appreciate the stuff you provide, or they won’t return. Defining your brand is essential before you start publishing content.

Consider your brand to be a person; what type of personality do they have? How would they behave in a group? List characteristics that characterize this personality and weave that tone of voice, manner, and attitude in all your content. Yes, all of them.

It should be clear in every Instagram caption, blog headline, and website piece. Then take surveys, and gather feedback. Take client testimonials or case studies and intriguingly display them. Examine what other firms are doing and then design what you would like to see but don’t.


Distribute And Amplify To Maximize Profits

The last step is the most ignored stage but yields the most benefits. Nothing is more infuriating than devoting time and money to researching and generating material once and then abandoning it in the content cemetery. It’s no longer considered a feasible approach to produce, publish, and hope for the best. Statistically, 60% of B2B SaaS marketers create at least one piece of content daily. You can observe what content works well on which platforms, which audiences respond positively to what you’re doing, and how real-time information may assist you in modifying and refining your marketing strategy. 

 For instance, include distributing long-form snippets from a recent blog on Reddit, Facebook, or blog-related conversation points on LinkedIn. Then, reply to people who like and share your content by commenting and connecting with them. Investing in SEO skills, paid advertisements, or an email marketing list is another way to ensure your content receives the attention it deserves.


Final Words

After considering all these above points, examine the success of the content regularly and tweak your marketing plan for maximum effectiveness. It’s no surprise that 69 percent of B2B marketers have a defined content marketing plan. With this guide, you’ll discover how to develop a content marketing plan that will help grow your brand and promote it in front of the businesses and people that require your product the most.