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11 Ecommerce Marketing Tips to explode your business

The United States is at the heart of the e-commerce industry, with sales of around $960.1 billion in 2021. Making 2021, a year of an all-time high growth rate bearer. Under such a scenario, brands that go the extra mile are the ones that can turn a casual visitor to their site into a loyal customer.

Ecommerce marketing tips


The United States is at the heart of the e-commerce industry, with sales of around $960.1 billion in 2021. Making 2021, a year of an all-time high growth rate bearer.

Under such a scenario, brands that go the extra mile are the ones that can turn a casual visitor to their site into a loyal customer. If you run an ecommerce business, the following are some questions you might have asked yourself at some point – 

  • How can you drive more traffic to your online store?
  • How can you convert traffic into paying customers?
  • How can you increase these conversions every year?

The answer to all three of these questions is the same. You need to come up with an extensive marketing plan that benefits your business not just this year, but in the long term. This post offers 11 of the choicest ecommerce marketing tips to get you started down this path. Let’s begin!


1. Take advantage of marketplaces

Established marketplaces sold more than $3.3 trillion (around £2.7 trillion) in 2021. Businesses worldwide list some of their products on these super successful marketplaces, including Amazon, Etsy, and eBay. What this does is it allows customers to stumble on your brand more easily.

You don’t need to list every item on your catalog on these third-party ecommerce websites either. Study which of your products are the most popular with customers and put them up for sale across various marketplaces.

While listing on these stores is not cheap, it will pay off your business in the long run.

2. Offer discounts on wish list items

The best ecommerce marketing tips are focused on converting your online store visitors into actual buyers. Offering discounts on the right products to the right people is crucial in this regard. 

If you have ever perused products online, you will know just how important the ‘Wishlist’ feature can be to shoppers. But, the problem with it is that a vast majority of people tend to Wishlist an item and then completely forget about it.

As an ecommerce business, this issue actually presents a great opportunity. Once shoppers put an item on the Wishlist, make sure you notify them about any ongoing discounts, sales or offers on the said item.

Doing so reignites interest in the Wishlist item and may even entice them to finally purchase the product they desired for a long time!

3. Optimize the design of your store

This one is one of the basic ecommerce marketing strategies, but you will be surprised to learn just how many brands get this wrong. You need to ensure that your online store is easy enough to navigate. People will not stick around if they have difficulty finding a particular product. Remember that numerous competitors are offering similar products.

Good design can mean anything from perfect product segmentation to an impressive balance between visuals and text. In fact, even the font choice for your store page can have an impact on how visitors perceive your brand.

4. Focus on email marketing

  • Throughout the years, email has persisted and remains just as important a mode of communication as it was a decade ago. However, many have dropped email marketing altogether, with more ecommerce businesses focused on social media marketing.
    That is simply a missed opportunity to reach out to customers. The following are some ecommerce email marketing tips for your brand –
  • Send a welcome mailer as soon as people make their first purchase.
  • Send special discounts and exclusive promo codes to loyal customers.
  • Leverage holidays to run promotional email campaigns like a Buy One Get One offer on trending 
  • Appreciate your most loyal and valued customers by sending a simple thank you note.

5. Free shipping equals more business

The likes of Amazon and other ecommerce giants have set the expectation in this regard. Customers no longer want to pay extra for deliveries or shipping. 

According to a survey performed in the UK, 45.6% of respondents said that they are more likely to buy from an ecommerce platform if it offered free shipping. Half of these people are even ready to buy more products if necessary to qualify for free deliveries.

Therefore, locking free shipping behind a minimum order value can also benefit your business in the long run. It truly is a win-win situation for both parties.  

As you can see, there is absolutely no room to question the fact that offering free shipping will lead to higher conversions. If you had to choose the most important marketing tips for an ecommerce business, this would be one of them.


6. Using Instagram for business growth

Instagram has more than 500 million active users daily. If your business does not have an Instagram presence, this extensive market remains untapped. How you handle such an account will also determine the amount of interest garnered with potential customers. 

For example, diversifying your Instagram content by posting not just pictures but also videos and reels can ensure the freshness of posts. Short video clips allow you to show off the best sellers, new launches and items on sale. 

Additionally, make sure that you take advantage of Instagram ads. Ads about your storefront can lead people directly to your ecommerce website. Not only do these ads increase traffic to your online storefront, but they also entice customers to actually make a purchase.

Lastly, you need to be on top of your hashtag game while posting on Instagram if you want to achieve your ecommerce marketing goals. Hashtags help create a brand’s identity. You can even create your own campaigns around a particular hashtag. 

Therefore, if your business doesn’t have an Instagram presence yet, make sure to create an account as soon as possible.

7. Chatbots to the rescue

When someone visits a physical store, a clerk attends to him/her personally. This clerk answers any question that the customer might have and assists them in making the best choice. Ecommerce storefronts don’t have this facility. Here, shoppers generally have to rely on their own judgement when looking for a product.

An interesting and helpful chatbot fixes this issue to a certain extent. Chatbots are available 24/7, even when your customer service staff is not. These virtual attendants can engage customers in text chats, answering most product-related questions. They can also inform a customer about your online store’s policies, starting from deliveries to refunds.

This makes the entire transaction more transparent. Customers are not fraught with indecision, because they get a definitive answer to all of their queries. In the long run, chatbots are a boon for your business. This is often one of the ignored or forgotten ecommerce marketing tips, but it has a huge impact.

8. Never underestimate the power of customer feedback

If you notice, all of the most successful ecommerce businesses in the world have one thing in common. They provide a voice to their customers, allowing these people to share honest reviews of products purchased. 

Apart from product reviews, you should also allow your shoppers to share their experiences when it comes to buying from your platform. Positive customer testimonials can have a huge impact on your business reputation and sales.

Negative feedback, on the other hand, provides the perfect opportunity for you to identify the weaknesses that your brand must address. Regardless of which ecommerce marketing tips you follow or do not follow, staying open to feedback is crucial for your business’s sustained growth.

There is a reason why reviews have a bigger impact on your ecommerce business as compared to a perfectly written sales copy. Since these reviews are written by customers, people who visit your ecommerce site tend to trust such feedback more than what you have to say about your own company.

9. Establish a marketing strategy for your business on TikTok

TikTok is quite different from Instagram in terms of content and how people tend to view that content. Unlike Instagram posts, TikTok’s platform is more suited for raw, unedited videos. People are not looking for perfect aesthetics in such videos, but for what the clip has to say or show.

There are other differences between TikTok and all other social media platforms. Some of them are – 

  • The user interface in TikTok is designed in such a way that users spend a longer time on the app than they do browsing Instagram or Facebook.
  • If one of your video clips becomes viral, TikTok’s algorithm will show it to more of its users. This happens regardless of how many followers you have. Therefore, if your video-making skills are on point, it does not matter if you have 100 followers or a million.
  • TikTok’s algorithm also shows users content from creators they have not even heard of before. As you can understand, this feature is exceptionally useful when you are trying to promote your ecommerce brand.     

If you are really serious about your brand’s TikTok posts, you should also look into the platform’s advertising and live-streaming features.

10. SEO is still the way to go

Search Engine Optimisation is still the key for your business to reach the most number of people. That is why a blog about ecommerce marketing tips can never be complete without it. No matter how successful you are on social media platforms, your brand still needs to rank on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) in Google and other popular search engines. Otherwise, your website will have extremely limited traffic.

The following are the pillars of a strong SEO marketing campaign – 

  • Backlinks to your website from other popular and reputed websites.
  • Offering the best user experience through an excellent website structure.
  • Ensuring all URLs and blog posts have relevant and popular keywords.

Keyword research is perhaps the most important aspect of SEO. The keywords you choose will vary greatly based on your target audience. If your ecommerce business caters to customers nationally, the keywords will only target those living in the country. However, if your ecommerce website is open for international purchases, the keywords used would be drastically different.

Apart from focusing on ecommerce marketing tips, also enlist SEO experts to perform keyword research and ensure optimal ranking across search engines.

11. Innovative marketing approach

With an endless number of ecommerce platforms selling products, how can your business stand out? Regardless of what you sell, there are always competitors who are selling the same items. Thus, it is not what you sell that makes you unique. Instead, it’s how you approach your marketing that helps you create a distinct identity.

Just think about it – ecommerce sites like Amazon and Alibaba are not unique because of the kinds of products they sell. You can find most of these on any other ecommerce platform too. However, these brands pay a huge deal of attention to their marketing efforts. Therefore, the last of our ecommerce marketing tips is to innovate and come up with fresh campaigns.


In short, businesses that can crack the marketing aspect of it always end up being more popular and profitable. It is no secret that enjoying maximum reach, being able to connect with your customers and creating a distinct brand identity are all ways to long-term success in this industry. With intense competition, your brand must follow the ecommerce marketing tips mentioned here.

However, that’s not all. If you can’t wrap your head around the marketing side of things, it’s best to entrust it to experienced third-party marketers. Upthrust is the answer to all your digital marketing needs, offering a transparent approach to your ecom businesses marketing needs. Experts at this firm are well renowned for their ability to tap into trends as well as create buzz-worthy content.

If you own an ecommerce brand, book a consultation call today! Upthrust’s trained staff can fill you in on the details and help you choose the best way forward for your business.       

You must develop content to enhance your engagement and visibility, but you also need people to appreciate the stuff you provide, or they won’t return. Defining your brand is essential before you start publishing content. Consider your brand to be a person; what type of personality do they have? How would they behave in a group? List characteristics that characterize this personality and weave that tone of voice, manner, and attitude in all your content. 


Yes, all of them. It should be clear in every Instagram caption, blog headline, and website piece. Then take surveys, and gather feedback. Take client testimonials or case studies and intriguingly display them. Examine what other firms are doing and then design what you would like to see but don’t.

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